Thavid's Preston 10k Run

Thavid Tsimboykas 24th September 2017 This event has closed


In July 2017, heaven gained the most beautiful angel of them all. Emily was on holiday abroad with her best friends when she suddenly became ill with bacterial meningitis. She was rushed into hospital for urgent medical attention, however she became unresponsive. She was flown back to a UK hospital but sadly passed away shortly afterwards. Her organs were kindly donated to 5 other people and she has changed their lives completely! This in itself just shows how much of a giving, generous person she was.
Emily was a really special friend and I will forever cherish the memories we shared.
Bacterial meningitis is an illness that is cruelly fast, aggressive and difficult to diagnose. I am doing this run to raise funds to help with research and the support of patients and their families.
